Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Are You Ready to Share the Hope That Is Within You? - Thoughts From Dad

Do you know what one of the greatest privileges we have to do here on this earth that we won't do in heaven? It is the privilege of winning souls for Christ!

In heaven, everyone will be saved. There will be an eternity to worship God and praise the Three in One. But sharing the gospel with the unsaved won't happen -- there will be no more opportunities.

Therefore, let us all purpose in our hearts to reach out to those around us who are stumbling toward Hell.  Isn't it hard to take that some of our friends, relatives, and acquaintances are heading to a place of eternal suffering?  Proverbs say, "He who wins souls is wise."  Jesus said. "Follow me AND I will make you fishers of men." The Psalmist declared. "How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who bring good news. Who bring glad tidings of good things?"

We have been saved and can look forward to a place where there will be no more tears, Sorrell, pain, death, or sin.  As Jesus said, "In my Father's house are many mansions.  I go there and prepare a place for you.  If this was not true, I would not have told you."  The reason we are saved, and no doubt, is that someone in vested time in our lives to share the Gospel. Can we do no less for those around us?

Let us share the Gospel to those within our reach!

The Bug Man

Our house was invaded. It was invaded by carpenter ants. We called the bug man and Dustin arrived at our house to combat the unwanted insects. When he came to my office to tell me the verdict concerning the problem and the price, I asked him if he knew where he was going when he died.  After 20 minutes of discussing the Gospel with him, I gave him a Gideon New Testament and the “Charity and Amy story,” which I had written telling about God's miraculous preservation of our twins.

Road Trip to Ohio

I had the opportunity to drive to Ohio with Bethany and Susanna, my daughters, to speak at the state wide homeschool convention.  We were in a convention center, and I had to go up to the stage by using a freight elevator. As I spoke seven times I shared many Scriptures and the Gospel message.

One person was there every single time.  He was the sound man.  That was his job-- he didn't have a choice.  Finally, at the end of my last talk, God pricked my heart.  I drove my scooter over to him and shared for a few minutes the hope that was within me.  I gave him a tract that told him how to get to heaven.

Each time we stopped going there and back in between Virginia and Ohio , we passed out tracts.  When my battery died, and we had to stop at an auto parts store, we gave a tract to the young men, who replaced the better in my van.

At the rest areas, my daughters spread out tracts in different locations, including in the trays of the vending machines.  As we were loading up again in the car, we saw a little boy walking out holding a tract and then showing it to his mother.  She took it and put it in her purse.  You never know where the word of God will go and when it will be read.  But you know that if it is read it will not return void God promises that His Word will accomplish His purpose.

When we were about 30 miles from home, we drove through Leesburg. As we passed a semi-truck in a parking lot, my daughter noticed a grandfather clock for sale. I quickly told my daughter to pull over, because I was approaching my 25th year anniversary and my wife always wanted a grandfather clock.  I stayed in the car and told my daughters to go check it out. The man, Wayne, selling the grandfather clock and other furniture on the side of the road was from North Carolina. He had already sold about 15 grandfather clocks and it was his last one.  He gave us a deal that I couldn't refuse and I surprised my wife with this special gift.

I decided to ask him if he was a Christian. When he said no, I began to share with him many Scriptures that told him how to get to heaven. He was divorced, and did not go to church.  When I asked him if he was going to heaven, he said. "I hope so." When I asked him what he would say when he was standing at the gates of heaven as to why God should let him in, he said. "I guess because I've been pretty good.”

I told him that was not good enough, because our works are as “filthy rags” to God. I told him it was about a relationship with the Son of God. As I told him how he could have a relationship, I gave him a Gideon Bible and tract. We arrived home, knowing that we shared with those within our reach and praying that God would move in the hearts of those who we came in contact with.

The Water Softener Installers

My wife and I visited our county fair with our children.  My wife ended up stopping at a booth that sold water softeners.  We have never had one and were interested in the possibility.  So she signed up to have a man come to our house to do a demonstration and we ended up purchasing one.. Johnny and Matt came to our house to install the water softener.

I drove my scooter down the driveway to the truck to ask some questions about its operation. Then I began to ask them each in turn about their eternal salvation.  I gave them each a Gideon NT and our “Charity and Amy story” tract.  Matt listened and interacted with me and said he would read the materials.

But Johnny was real interested!

He didn't look like the type -- he was kind of gruff. It turns out he had been thinking of the need to go to church because of his young children. He did not know how to get to heaven, but he wanted to know. This was a perfect opportunity for me to show him the way to heaven. He was visibly elated and exclaimed he “couldn’t wait to come back!”

When he came back a couple weeks later to check on the performance of the water softener, I asked him if he had thought more about being a Christian.  He said he wanted to “live as a Christian.” I rejoiced, and said I would pray for him. I got his e-mail and sent him information about local church it in the city lived in

Yes---it is a wonderful blessing to share the Gospel story of what Jesus did for us! Share now to all those within your reach—you will never be sorry.

As Jesus said, “The harvest is great and the workers are few.”

Go and be “fishers of men!”             
-By: Chris Klicka (2008)

All text © 2013 From the Ashes| All Images © 2013  From the Ashes

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