Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A New Year, a New Day and a New Way of Living

I can't believe it is 2014 already! Seems just like yesterday that I was looking forward to the summer of 2013. As we enter into the new year, it is completely normal to set goals or to want to see changes in not only your life, but others as well. 

What sort of objectives will be on your new years resolution for 2014?

Making a list is a great way to start, be sure to add anything from a small habit you wish to drop or pick up to completing a marathon or buying a house. At the end of your list, try concluding it with a simple prayer giving it all to God, it's not like we can complete these tasks on our own. As the year progresses, continue to give your 2014 resolution to God, also keep track of the tasks you've completed or the ones that need more work. 

This year for me I have decided to organize my list into categories. This year I have decided to organize my list into categories, such as the ones below which are followed by a few of my goals.

·         Spiritual Goals:
o   Read through the entire Bible
·         Fitness/Health Goals:
o   Run a half marathon
o   Lose 15lbs.
·         Academic Goals:
o   Complete an internship
o   Apply to at least 5 scholarships
o   Read 50 new books
·         MISC. Goals:
o   Buy a house
o   Move to Massachusetts

Those are just some of my goals, but as you can see they range from small tasks to large ones. I may not get them all done, I may only do half, but with God’s help I can achieve them all! So I will try my hardest at each one. Making a New Years resolution is important to me because it helps remind me that I can forget pas mistakes an regrets and start anew. 2013 is far behind me and whatever difficulties and struggles I had, I am putting them behind me and starting 2014 with a new slate. 

I know this year will not be easy; there are going to be many changes and difficulties, but I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! (Philippians 4:13) I can wait to see what adventures this year holds!

All text © 2013 From the Ashes| All Images © 2013  From the Ashes

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